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How to Keep Your Carpet Stain-Free?

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How to Keep Your Carpet Stain-Free?

Carpets are everyone’s common choice, and that’s why everyone installs carpets in their homes. They are the best thing to complement your home décor that gives a cozy feeling.

People love to buy carpets to enhance the interior beauty of their homes, but did you know how hard it is to keep your carpet clean? A clean carpet can make a significant difference to your home and also reflect your personality.

Keeping your carpet clean, fresh, and beautiful is a necessary task. But sometimes, people can’t clean the carpets by themselves and hire a carpet stain removal company on Sunshine Coast. The professional carpet cleaning companies know everything about proper carpet cleaning to suck out all the dust from your carpets and make them beautiful. 

But sometimes people can’t afford professional carpet cleaners. If you are one of them who want to clean their carpets by themselves, then you can follow some cleaning tips.

Below we have mentioned some of the best carpet cleaning tips to keep them well-maintained. Let’s have a look:

Carpet Cleaning Tips

  • Say NO to chemicals:

It is vital to understand that chemicals are very harsh for your carpets as well as for your family members. If you have someone in your home that has respiratory problems, then you must avoid using chemicals on your carpets. These chemical cleaners are unhealthy, damage your carpet’s fibers, and reduce the life of the carpet. That’s why it is recommended not to use any type of chemicals to clean your carpet because it will also decrease the life span of your expensive carpets.

  • Remove stains as early as possible:

If you have kids or pets in your home, then it’s natural that they spill things on your carpet. But it should be your responsibility that if anything spills on the carpet, you must clean it then and there immediately. Remember, the longer the stain stays on the carpet, the harder it will be to remove it. If you remove the stain immediately after spilling, it will not go deep inside the carpet fiber, and you can easily clean it.

  • Make a habit of blotting:

Suppose you spill something on your carpets, such as nail paint, wines, or other drinks, then do not rub the spill. Rubbing will only make it worse. Try to blot the spill instead of rubbing. With the help of a towel, you can blot the spill so that you can squeeze the liquid into the towel. Rubbing is not an option if you spill something on your carpet because vigorous rubbing will push the stain inside the fibers, which is even worse. These stains will sit inside the fiber and will be hard to clean.

  • Vacuuming is necessary :

As we all know, vacuuming is not enough to remove all the dirt and dust from your carpet, but it can save your carpet from regular wear and tear. Regular vacuuming is beneficial to suck out all the dirt so that it won’t clog up the carpet. Moreover, baking soda will also help you to clean your carpet. Just sprinkle it over your carpet, leave it for some time, and run a vacuum. This trick will help you easily keep your carpet smelling fresh for a longer period.

  • No Shoes are best for the carpet:

Believe it or not but shoes are the ultimate carrier of dirt and dust in the home. Numerous shoes go outside and carry a lot of dirt and dust with them. That’s why you should apply a no-shoes policy in your home. Ask everyone to remove their shoes outside of your home to minimize the stains. We understand you can’t force your guests to follow your no-shoes policy, then the best you can do is put a doormat at the entrance so that everyone can clean their shoes on the mat before entering. 

  • Can’t get rid of ugly stains? Use steam cleaning:

If you have stubborn stains on your carpet that are very difficult to remove, then you don’t have to worry. Use deep steam cleaning to remove all the accumulated dirt and stains from the carpet’s fiber. The steam will penetrate fibers and suck out all the deep-seated soil, grease, and dust. You can also hire a carpet stain removal company on Sunshine Coast for steam cleaning.


We hope the tips mentioned above will help you to clean your beautiful and expensive carpets. Always make a habit of cleaning your carpet regularly rather than relying on professional cleaners. It will help you to extend the life of your carpet so that you won’t have to replace them because replacement is not an option.

But it is recommended to have your carpet professionally cleaned every 6 months. You can hire professional carpet cleaners to get rid of all the tough stains. These professionals will also help you with leather recoloring. If you want the best leather cleaning at an affordable price, do not hesitate to hire DeVere professional cleaners.

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